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Hervé This, a chemist who studies the atomic and subatomic nature of chemistry, attended the workshop and has been a key player in the growth of molecular gastronomy. Dr. This blames a failed cheese soufflé for sparking his interest in culinary precisions and has since transformed into a career in molecular gastronomy. Other participants of the meetings include chef Heston Blumenthal and physicist Peter Barham, who have collaborated and influenced many molecular‐based recipes and projects. Finally, another scientist, biochemist Shirley O. Corriher, was present at these early meetings.


Shirley found her love of cooking as she helped her husband run a school in Nashville in nearby Vanderbilt Medical School where she worked as a biochemist. Her influence on science and cooking includes a friendship and advisory role with Julia Child and the many informative, science approach‐based cookbooks (Ms. Corriher, personal communications, June 2012).


The impact on popular culture and influence on modernist cooking are immense. For 13years, Alton Brown brought the scientific approach to culinary arts in the series Good Eats. Through the work of all of these scientist chefs, use of liquid nitrogen, a specialized pressure cooking called sous vide, and unique presentation and mixtures of flavors are now more commonplace and creating new options for the daring foodie.
